Best Answer: Insignia is a very poor brand. I work at a TV repair shop and Insignia as well as other low quality chinese brands like Vizio come in for repair all the .
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3 months after the Warranty is up. Now it is trash.
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I will never walk into thier store again.
Like a lot of other posts i have a insignia 37 in LCD that is 2 years 11 days old and it is dead , i got up to turn it off and i got a pretty good shock out of it and a loud .
Best Buy product reviews and customer ratings for Insignia� 32" 720p Flat-Panel LCD HDTV. Read and compare experiences customers have had with Insignia� products.
Welcome to the world of Insignia. Find great deals on LCD HDTV, GPS, home audio systems, computer . See which Insignia
There is a 26
Insignia 15 LCD TV Problems. Insignia is a brand owned by the popular electronics store Best Buy. Insignia develops a number of consumer products including televisions, Blu-Ray .
How to Troubleshoot an Insignia LCD TV. An Insignia LCD TV features a flat-screen liquid crystal display. Insignia is Best Buy's house brand and is sold exclusively by the .
Best Buy is recalling about 13,000 26-inch LCD television sets. The televisions power supply can fail, posing a fire and burn best buy insignia lcd hazard to consumers. Best Buy has received two .
Best Buy Insignia brand LCD tv's quit working right after the 1 year warranty is up, and they won't back they're faulty brand, that is known to have trouble,.
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I just bought a 32" Insignia LCD TV at a Best Buy store in my trip to Orlando, Florida. I tested it at the hotel, and it was ok. The problem is that I came back to Brazil and .
- All exclusive-branded LCD models manufactured after Nov. 1, 2008 will meet the new standard; six models to exceed the standard by 15 percent - Signals market .
Best Buy - Insignia NS-55L780A12 55in LCD HDTV (1080p) $799.99 Hot Deals
While looking for alternatives to the Insignia 37 $350 deal posted by Farside here http://www.fatwallet.com/forums/hot-deals/1157430/, I
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