The tenses of the word saw , as in an electric saw, are saws, sawing, sawed, and sawn. sawed, sawing, sawn, saws ChaCha soon! Answered - 471 days ago at 8:02pm on Oct .
vb saws, sawing, sawed, sawed, sawn. 1. (Engineering / Tools) to cut with a saw. 2. (Engineering / Tools) to form by sawing. 3. to cut as if wielding a saw to saw the air
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saw [intransitive/transitive, verb] | sawed [past tense] | sawn [past participle] | sawing [present participle] | saws [3rd-person singular present]
Bastard-Sawing All boards and planks, except . furniture or fine interior finish, are sawn from the log by gang or circular saws . the log in this way are called "bastard-sawed .
. machines or devices for cutting by use of a toothed blade, such as a power-driven circular toothed wheel or toothed band of metal vb , saws, sawing, sawed, sawed, sawn
To establish effective joints, the concrete must be sawn at the appropriate time. Sawing too early . Iowa standards
sawed, sawing, sawn, saws
allow cuts made with approved early entry saws to be sawed a .
saw verb - definition, audio pronunciation, synonyms and more for saw verb: see: See more in British English Dictionary - Cambridge Dictionary Online
vb saws, sawing, sawed, sawed, sawn. 1. (Engineering / Tools) to cut with a saw. 2. (Engineering / Tools) to form by sawing. 3. to cut as if wielding a saw to saw the air
sawed: Participe pass�: sawn: Participe pr�sent (et g�rondif) sawing: 3�me personne du singulier au Pr�sent simple: saws: Sens en fran�ais: scier: Note
transitive verb sawed, sawed or Chiefly Brit. sawn, sawing. to cut or divide with a saw . to be cut with a saw: wood that saws easily; to make sawlike cutting motions
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